Verdi Square, Trieste
In seaseide cities as Trieste, portions of urban expansion get in touch creating areas of organic geometry. Piazza Verdi, designed by Bernard Huet, is constructed as a sort of chessboard, whose principal lines are in Aurisina, with a background in engraved Colombino laid out to overlap along the center-line. The central layout of the square is emphasized with triple inlays in Aurisina at the edges. Close to the southeast side of the public space, a brief section of almost trapezoid geometry is inserted, housing alternately benches and islands of trees with cast-iron surrounds. Painstaking work excavating the Aurisina slabs created specific stonework dedicated to the collection of floodwater, with water traps at the edges. Their positioning inside the square, in a straight line, in the direction of the streets, helps the orientation and reading of the space.